ITE 195-32-69085
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Semester:       Spring 2008                                      Time:                   4:30 –– 7:15
Instructor:      Travis Lee Perry                                Location:             DDC-off campus site
E-mail:                               Office Hours:      By appointment only
Phone:             (276) 467-2306 or (276) 467-2665Class Web Page:

I. General Information


ITE 195 — PowerPoint
Prerequisite and/or Background: Experience with Windows, Email, Web browser 6 or higher, and access to PowerPoint 2007.

II. Texts Used:


Benchmark Series: PowerPoint 2007, Rutkosky, Rutkosky, Paradigm, 2008, includes 120 day trial version of Office 2007. Books purchased on the Web may not contain the trial version of the software.


This textbook is needed because:

  • quiz questions come from it

  • assignments are there

  • reading assignments are there

  • practice exercises are there

III. Required Equipment:

PC with Internet access, IE 6 or newer browser, email account, pencil or pen, notebook, textbook, and Microsoft Office 2007 Suite to include PowerPoint 2007.

Furnished by the college: Access to classroom management system, PC labs with PowerPoint 2007.

IV. Reference:

V. Classroom Procedures


Course Grade                                     Points        Approximate % of Grade
Announced examinations (3)                    200                            48|
Unannounced quizzes (4)                          80                            19
Laboratory and out-of-class assignments   140                          33
Extra credit                                               25

Point System: 420 total assigned points; 445 total possible points with extra credit.
A   >= 378
B    >= 336
C   >= 294
D   >= 252


  • Four quizzes will be available online. These will include multiple choice and true false. They will address material presented in lecture notes, textbook Projects, and class discussion material.


  • Readings from the textbook, lecture material, and PowerPoint presentations, will be studied during this five week course. Students are expected to read and study the material during the specified time period.
  • Several graded presentations will be required throughout the course.
  • See the Schedule for assignments and due dates. Late assignments are subject to 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% point deduction each day and after day four are assigned a score of 0.

Class Participation

  • The virtual classroom provides a Discussion Board for class participation purposes. Each week of the five week course students will submit comments and/or assignments to weekly discussion threads. Discussion board threads remain active for one week and are then archived. Students are no longer permitted to contribute to archived threads.

  • Active participation in class through discussion board, and other online class activities is required. Students will access the Blackboard course management system classroom at least three times per week.


An online class requires a time commitment from the student. You must plan to spend 6-9 hours per week working on course material. This involves:

  1. Reading the assigned chapter and completing the in-chapter exercise

  2. Participating in the discussions

  3. Submitting assigned presentations by their due dates

  4. Completing the Quiz.

For this to be a rewarding and positive educational experience you must manage your time wisely. Develop a schedule for yourself so that you are completing course work on a regular basis.

You should make every effort to "attend" all classes. Irregular or casual attendance results in fragmented understanding and poor performance. You are responsible for all work and all announcements made during class.

Withdrawal Policy:

Students withdrawing prior to midterm will receive a "W" grade. However, after midterm a "W" grade will be issued only if the student is passing.

Plagiarism and Cheating:

Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student who is found to be an active participant, on either end, in any incident will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. Repeat incidents will result in an F for the course. The MECC Student Handbook includes a more thorough discussion of these issues.